Civic Engagement

One of the barriers to securing the Human Right to Water in small, rural, Central Valley communities is the lack of elected officials who are responsive and accountable to the communities they represent.
To address this imbalance, CWC has made civic engagement a key component of achieving our vision of safe, clean, and affordable drinking water for all.
Launched in 2017, our Civic Engagement Program (CEP) focuses on building political power and engaging a broader base of supporters in the movement for water justice.
For the past few years,, our team contact thousands of Tulare County Latinx voters to talk to them about drinking water needs in their communities, share important information and to remind them to vote.
In 2018, Community Water Center started a 501c4 organization, Community Water Center Action Fund, to expand capacity to support leaders who want to run for office, and conduct partisan voter engagement activities.