August eNews: Two big dates in September

We have some big important dates next month that I hope you're keeping on your radar.

The first is a Sept. 10 deadline to take advantage of $1 billion in water debt relief funding for families impacted by the pandemic. The relief will go to water systems, not directly to individuals or families, so check if your water system is signed up for the California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment (CWWAP) program. 

The second big date is the Sept. 14 recall election. This election will have huge ramifications for our state and our mission of ensuring that all Californians have safe, clean, and affordable drinking water. Make sure you vote by Sept. 14!

You can find more information below.



Susana De Anda

Co-Founder and Executive Director

$1 Billion Available for Water Debt Relief
Water Systems Must Apply by Sept. 10

The State Water Board is developing a program to distribute $1 billion of relief to reduce customer water bills as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This funding covers water debt from residential and commercial customers accrued between March 4, 2020, and June 15, 2021.

The program guidelines are still being formulated, but two things are very clear:

  • The relief will be administered directly to the water systems, not individuals or families, which will help to streamline relief.

  • The State Water Board is conducting a survey of systems for an outstanding debt and to inform the distribution of funding. If systems do not fill out the survey and apply for this critical program, families are likely to receive less and delayed relief.

Call your water system to make sure they are applying for the California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment (WWAPP) program before the September 10, 2021 deadline!

VOTE in the September 14 Recall Election
How to Fill Out Your Ballot


This month, registered voters across California received their ballots for the Sept. 14 recall election of Governor Gavin Newsom. CWC encourages everyone to VOTE in this very important election by filling out your ballot and mailing it back in.

This ballot only contains two questions. The first question asks whether voters want to remove Governor Gavin Newsom:

  • Select NO to keep Governor Gavin Newsom

  • Select YES to remove Governor Gavin Newsom

Regardless of how you vote on the first question, you may vote on the second question, which asks you to select your preferred candidate if Governor Newsom is recalled.

After filling out your ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, sign it where indicated, fill out your address and other required information, and mail it back to your county. No postage is required if your ballot is returned within the United States. 

Are you registered to vote? Find your voter status here.

If you are NOT registered to vote and would like to participate in this election, you can register at your county vote center and vote on the same day. Your local vote centers can be found at  You can also track your ballot at

Ballots must be postmarked, placed in a dropbox, or delivered to a polling place by 8 pm on September 14.

This election is important for the future of California. We encourage you to return your ballot and make your vote count! 

Community Water Leaders Network:
Member in the Spotlight


Tim Prado, Board President for the Lamont Public Utilities District, became a member of Community Water Leaders Network (CWLN) in 2020. He is a proud member of the group because he believes we must build a voice of advocacy for water issues, especially for those Californians who live in disadvantaged communities like Lamont. 

Community Water Leaders Network is a group of local elected officials and water decision-makers with the unified mission of increasing access to safe, clean, and affordable drinking water in the San Joaquin Valley. Members highlight key drinking water issues facing their communities, advocate for resources, and share important drinking water information with their constituents.

The most important reason why Tim advocates for safe affordable drinking water is because it’s a fundamental foundation of a community. Without access to water, most rural communities would disappear.

To Tim, water justice means that all Californians have access to water, without any boundaries.

CWC in the News!

New Normal of Drought Requires New Approach to Water Conservation, Food Production: Experts

“The reality is that droughts impact already stressing communities, already at-risk communities ... many that haven't had safe drinking water for a decade.”

  • Susana De Anda, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Community Water Center


Thousands of household wells go dry amid California drought: ‘Without water, you’re nothing’

“Drought is part of our life. … We need to ensure we invest in drought-resilient infrastructure. ... We can’t wait until wells go dry. That’s a disservice.”

  • Susana De Anda, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Community Water Center


Priced out and shut off: Tackling water affordability

“Infrastructure spending isn’t enough. We must pair new water spending with bill assistance to ensure the water flowing through our upgraded pipes serves all households in America.”

  • Susana De Anda, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Community Water Center

See more CWC news coverage here.

Thank you to our Generous Donors!

Huge thank you to our regular monthly donors, whose continual contributions help to sustain our long-term work toward achieving safe, clean and affordable drinking water!

Anavel Valdez-Lupercio, Arden Wells, Bessma Mourad, Bob Simone, Carly Yoshida, Cassie Morgan, Denise Heitzenroder, Esperanza Pimentel, Frank Lukacs, F Thomas Biglione, Jose Pablo Ortiz Partida, Julia Emerson, Kathryn Gilje, Kathryn Wuelfing, Kelsey Hinton, Klara East, Kristin Dobbin, Lara Cushing, Leonard Sklar, Max Meyer, Paul Pierce, Sandra Hocker, Sandra Rose, Stephen Gasteyer, Temma Kaplan, Vicki Woods, and Victoria Klug

And thank you to our generous donors for August! 

Angelica Salceda, Hugo Jenkins, and Jie Yu Hung

Be a water champion and support safe water for all.


September eNews: ¡Feliz quinceañera, CWC!


July eNews: 1 BILLION to help pay household water debt