September eNews: Water Debt Assistance Still Available

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Water and wastewater affordability continues to impact families throughout the state. When the consequence of not paying your water bill is having your water shutoff, hard choices have to be made. 

This week, Governor Newsom vetoed Senate Bill 222 (Dodd), which would have created a permanent low-income water rate assistance program for Californians, on the argument of lack of funding. We know how important a permanent water affordability solution is for our families, and we’ll keep fighting until it’s created. 

In the meantime, the Low-income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) could help keep taps flowing.

California received $116 million in one-time funding through this program to cancel out outstanding water and wastewater debt and only ~$5 million has been claimed. It’s not too late to access this critical resource! 

If you are struggling with water or wastewater debt, or know someone who is, the first step is to contact your water district to ask about this program.

While this doesn’t solve ongoing affordability issues, it is a chance to wipe the slate clean for thousands of Californians. Help us get the word out!



Susana De Anda

Co-Founder and Executive Director

Susana De Anda Featured for Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 - October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month, where we celebrate “the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.”
Susana is one of 25 Hispanic leaders being highlighted in Outfront Media’s digital billboard campaign Strength of Our Raíces.

¡Aguas con tú voto!

Your vote can help deliver safe and affordable water. Many of the people who make decisions on your water every day are elected officials. Whether their main job is to run your local water system, oversee your city or county, or represent you at the state Capitol or in Congress — you play a direct role in hiring them for the job through voting!

In California, every registered voter will receive a vote by mail ballot by October 10. 

It’s not too late to register! If you would like to vote by mail, you must register by October 24.

  • Register online:

  • Register by mailing a paper application with can be picked up at your county elections office, library, Department of Motor Vehicles offices, or U.S. post office

More information on registering to vote can be found on the California Secretary of State’s website.

In Case You Missed It

Welcome new CWC team members!

Abraham Mendoza joins the Sacramento office as Senior Policy Advocate, where he brings years of legislative experience as a Legislative Aide in Assemblymember Gipson’s office and as an advocate for the California Association of Realtors.

Antonio Jauregui joins the Visalia office as its first Political Power Building Advocate! He’ll spend half of his time on the Community Water Leaders Network and the other half moving forward CWC’s sister organization CWC Action Fund (501c4). He brings extensive campaign and advocacy experience including from Communities for New California Education Fund, ACLU, and the Greenlining Institute.

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Kala Babu is a third law student at UC Davis, joining CWC for the Fall as a legal extern. She brings an interest in environmental issues and past experience at the State Water Board and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

Pedro Enriquez joins the Watsonville office as a Community Solutions Advocate. Pedro brings experience in organizing and advocacy around housing affordability and workers rights, as well as experience as a behavioral therapist mainly with people on the autism spectrum and young children with developmental delays.

Sandra Chavez joins the Visalia office as an Organizing Intern. Currently a student at Cal Poly Pamona, she is originally from Tulare County. She knows first hand what it’s like to have unsafe water and no water at all, and will bring that knowledge to her work.

CWC is Hiring

Do you have a passion for environmental and social justice? Are you looking for an opportunity to work alongside those on the frontlines of the safe and affordable drinking water movement in California?

Community Water Center is hiring for multiple positions across all three of our offices:

  • Administrative Assistant — Visalia Office

    Support day–to–day activities to ensure sustainable, efficient and effective operations of the organization and its three offices.

    View all open positions here.

202 Reported Dry Wells Since September 1 and a Total of 1,211 Since The Year Started
Is Your Water Safe or Well Running Dry?

If you’re experiencing drinking water issues and live in the San Joaquin Valley or Central Coast regions, check out our Safe Water Resources page. Information can be found on private well testing, bottled water programs, and more.

As California continues into the third year of this historic drought, we also have a page dedicated to drought relief resources.

Thank you to our Generous Donors!

Huge thank you to our sustaining monthly donors! Your ongoing commitment to water justice ensures everyone will have access to safe, clean and affordable drinking water.

Arden Wells, Bessma Mourad, Bob Simone, Carly Yoshida, Claire Wilkens,
Denise Heitzenroder, Frank Lukacs, Jose Pablo Ortiz Partida, Kathryn Gilje, Kathryn Wuelfing, Kirk Demartini, Klara East, Kristin Dobbin, Lara Cushing, Max Meyer, Paul Pierce, Sandra Hocker,
Sandra Rose, Stephen Gasteyer, Vicki Woods, Victoria Klug, Yara Pasner

And thank you to our generous donors for the month of July ! 


Be a water champion and support safe water for all.


October eNews: Vice President Harris Raises Importance of Clean Water Access


August eNews: Water Affordability Assistance Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk