December eNews: New Bill to Prevent Water Shutoffs, Tickets on Sale for Sacramento Event, and more

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Dear Supporter, 

2022 was a big year for Community Water Center and the movement for water justice:

  • We worked directly with community leaders to move forward permanent drinking water solutions in Tulare and Monterey Counties.

  • We advocated for low-income water rate assistance at the state and federal level (and will keep pushing until this is a reality).

  • Twelve new staff joined the team as we expanded our efforts in the San Joaquin Valley, Central Coast, Sacramento and Washington D.C.

    And so much more! None of this would have been possible without your continued support. 

We’re rested and ready to continue this work. Will you join us?



Susana De Anda

Co-Founder and Executive Director

New Bill Would Protect Low-income Californians from Water Shutoffs

Millions of Californians struggle to afford their water bills. In most water districts in California, families are at risk of having their water service shut off due to lack of payment. In 2019, the most recent statewide shutoff data available, at least 500,000 Californians lost access to water due to shutoffs with Black and Latinx households which is twice as likely to be disconnected as white households. 

Last month, State Senator Dodd introduced Senate Bill 3 (SB 3), continuing his dedication to combating water affordability issues for low-income families. If passed, this bill will extend water shutoff protections to small water systems throughout the state by requiring them to provide notice of a potential shut off in the language spoken by the community and an opportunity for people to enroll in payment plans before taking away their access to water. 

Executive Director Susana De Anda had this to say: “Low-income households should never have to choose between paying their water bills and other basic necessities like food and rent. Water is an essential human right, and CWC is grateful for Senator Dodd’s continued leadership on this issue.” 

This year we’ll be reaching out with ways to support SB 3, as well as water affordability issues generally. Stay tuned!

Tickets On Sale for Water Justice Leadership Awards

2020 WJLA Awardees from left: Former Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency Jared Blumenfeld, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, AGUA Member Melynda Metheney, and Secretary of Natural Resources Wade Crowfoot.

We're bringing the Water Justice Leadership Awards (WJLA) back to Sacramento for the first time in three years! We’re looking forward to reconnecting in person to honor key leaders in the water justice movement. 

Where: Mayahuel, 1200 K St, Sacramento

When: Tuesday, February 15, 2023 from 5:30 - 8 pm

In Case You Missed It


CWC is Hiring

Do you have a passion for environmental and social justice? Are you looking for an opportunity to work alongside those on the frontlines of the safe and affordable drinking water movement in California?

Community Water Center is hiring for multiple positions across all three of our offices:

  • Administrative Assistant — Visalia Office

    Support day–to–day activities to ensure sustainable, efficient, and effective operations of the organization and its three offices.

  • Public Relations Associate — Sacramento, Visalia, or Watsonville Office
    Responsible for coordinating media relations and cultivating strategic and empowering experiences for staff and community partners when participating in interviews and press events.

    View all open positions here.

Thank you to our Generous Donors!

Huge thank you to our sustaining monthly donors! Your ongoing commitment to water justice ensures everyone will have access to safe, clean and affordable drinking water.

Arden Wells, Bessma Mourad, Bob Simone, Carly Yoshida, Claire Wilkens,
Denise Heitzenroder, Frank Lukacs, Jose Pablo Ortiz Partida, Kathryn Gilje, Kathryn Wuelfing, Klara East, Kristin Dobbin, Lara Cushing, Max Meyer, Paul Pierce, Sandra Hocker,
Sandra Rose, Stephen Gasteyer, Vicki Woods, Victoria Klug, Yara Pasner

And thank you to our generous donors for the month of November

Jith Meganathan, Richard Haberman, Tina Eshaghpour

Be a water champion and support safe water for all.


January eNews: Recent storms didn’t end California’s drought crisis


November eNews: Congressional Briefing, East Orosi Celebration