June eNews: Valley Residents Rally at Capitol for Affordable Water

Community residents urge California policymakers to fund a low-income rate assistance program at the May 31 Capitol Rally.

Yesterday, the Governor signed into law California’s 2022-23 budget, which includes $1.3 billion for Water Resilience and Drought Response. However, the details of what this will fund is still being debated. Our priority — funding a low-income water rate assistance program for all Californians. 

In 2019, before the pandemic started, 500,000 Californians had their water shutoff due to lack of payment. California now has the chance to lead the nation by establishing the first, statewide water rate assistance program ensuring no one loses access to water due to inability to pay their bill again. 

Senate Bill 222, which would create this program, is ready to pass. All we need now is a funding commitment. We are asking for $300 million to help our lowest income families afford their water and avoid devastating shut offs statewide.

We’re calling on the legislature and Governor to fund water affordability now!



Susana De Anda

Co-Founder and Executive Director

Susana De Anda Recognized as UC Santa Barbara Environmental Studies Outstanding Alumni!

Susana (right) with David N. Pellow, Chair of the Environmental Studies Program at UC Santa Barbara.

Susana was awarded as the 2022 Outstanding Alumni by University of California, Santa Barbara’s Environmental Studies Program. This annual award is given to notable alumni who have “distinguished themselves in their field and who have had a transformative impact on the broader community.” We see daily the impact Susana’s leadership has on water justice and our team. Join us in congratulating Susana for this recognition!

One Step Closer to Protecting Rural Community Water Access

On June 29, Assembly Bill 2201, the Community Drinking Water Protection Act, was passed out of the California Senate Governance and Finance Committee, despite opposition from agricultural and business interests and county governments. The bill will next go to the Senate Appropriations Committee before a Senate floor vote in August.

Community Water Center continues to work with AB 2201’s author, Assemblymember Steve Bennett, to build a coalition that includes community partners facing water access issues in their homes, environmental and environmental justice groups, small farmers, and water agencies to support this common sense measure. Learn more from the Los Angeles Time Editorial Board.

In Case You Missed It

Welcome Erika, Daniela, Mary and Paula!


Erica Diaz joins the Visalia office as our newest Community Solutions Advocate. Erica brings several years of community organizing experience from her time with ACT for Women & Girls and as a Health Educator for Fresno Barrios Unidos. 

Daniela Ginez, Mary Meza-Celis and Paula Elizalde join CWC as part of the Emerson Collective intern program this summer. Daniela and Mary are based in Watsonville where they will support community outreach and technical assistance work in the Central Coast. Paula is supporting the communications team from the Sacramento office.

Join us in welcoming our new team members! Learn more about the CWC team here

CWC is Hiring

Do you have a passion for environmental and social justice? Are you looking for an opportunity to work alongside those on the frontlines of the safe and affordable drinking water movement in California?

Community Water Center is hiring for multiple positions across all three of our offices:

  • Administrative Assistant — Visalia Office

    Support day–to–day activities to ensure sustainable, efficient and effective operations of the organization and its three offices.

  • Community Solutions Advocate — Watsonville Office

    Partner with Central Coast communities to help secure access to safe and affordable drinking water.

  • Development Director - Visalia, Sacramento or Watsonville Offices

    Lead our fund development work to keep the water justice meeting going strong.

  • Federal Policy Advocate — Remote from the Washington DC area

    Lead CWC’s federal policy and advocacy work and support California community members to engage in federal policymaking.

  • Political Power Building Advocate — Visalia, Sacramento or Watsonville Offices
    Educate local, regional, and state decision-makers about drinking water issues including safety, affordability, and accessibility in the San Joaquin Valley

  • Senior Policy Advocate — Sacramento Office
    Lead CWC’s policy advocacy work to address root causes of unsafe drinking water by advancing community-driven legislative, regulatory, and policy changes at the local, regional and state levels.

    View all open positions here.

209 Reported Dry Wells Since June 1 and a Total of 481 Since The Year Started
Is Your Water Safe or Well Running Dry?

If you’re experiencing drinking water issues and live in the San Joaquin Valley or Central Coast regions, check out our Safe Water Resources page. Information can be found on private well testing, bottled water programs, and more.

As California continues into the third year of this historic drought, we also have a page dedicated to drought relief resources.


Thank you to our Generous Donors!

Huge thank you to our sustaining monthly donors! Your ongoing commitment to water justice ensures everyone will have access to safe, clean and affordable drinking water.

Arden Wells, Bessma Mourad, Bob Simone, Carly Yoshida, Claire Wilkens, Denise Heitzenroder, Frank Lukacs, F Thomas Biglione, Jose Pablo Ortiz Partida, Kathryn Gilje, Kathryn Wuelfing, Klara East, Kristin Dobbin, Lara Cushing, Max Meyer, Paul Pierce, Sandra Hocker, Sandra Goldenberg, Sandra Rose, Stephen Gasteyer, Vicki Woods, Victoria Klug, Yara Pasner

And thank you to our generous donors for the month of May! 

Don McEnhill and Jerry Jimenez

Be a water champion and support safe water for all.


July eNews: 10 Years of the Human Right to Water


May eNews: Residents Go to Capitol for Action on Affordable Water