Johnson, McGinnis, Live Oak

Many households in the JML area receive water from private wells contaminated with nitrate and 1,2,3-trichloropropane (123-TCP), and chromium-6 at levels much higher than public health standards.
Gente Organizada Trabajando por el Agua (GOTA), or People United Working for Water, was formed in January 2021 by concerned community members after learning about contamination in their wells. Since then CWC and the JML community have been working together to support community solutions. CWC contracted MNS Engineers to conduct a feasibility study looking at long-term drinking water alternatives for the community. MNS’s findings are detailed in the Long-Term Drinking Water Solutions for the Johnson, McGinnis, and Live Oak Roads Area Report completed in March 2024. The recommended solution is consolidation with the Cal Water Las Lomas public water system.
Project Area
All households in the vicinity are currently served by private wells or state or local small water systems. If you live or own property within the project area, please contact us at (831) 500-2677.
Get Involved
Contact Shirley Robles by email at or call (831) 500-2677 with questions related to this project.
January/February 2024 - Discuss the Alternatives Analysis Draft Report
January 26, 2023 - Community meeting to review the workplan and discuss next steps
July 27th, 2023 - Overview of Alternatives
1,2,3 TCP Contamination Fact Sheet
Nitrates Contamination Fact Sheet
Chrome 6 Fact Sheet