Orosi/Cutler/Domestic Well Area

This area includes domestic well households located within the unincorporated communities of Orosi and Cutler in northern Tulare County. The area includes 60 or more households located within three-quarters of a mile of the service boundaries of both the Orosi Public Utilities District (OPUD) and the Cutler Public Utilities District (CPUD).
Community Water Center began conducting outreach to homes on domestic wells in this area in 2023 and has supported residents experiencing dry wells by directing them to available hauled water and bottled water programs. Additionally, nitrate, which makes water unsafe for drinking and cooking, has been found in the groundwater supply.
The Cutler PUD, which provides water service to the 6,200 people in the community of Cutler, is also challenged by unsafe drinking water, with recent violations for 1,2,3 - Trichloropropane and nitrate contamination and a violation for bacterial contamination in 2019. Additionally, the Cutler PUD system is at high risk of experiencing water shortage. On May 8, 2023, the State Water Resources Control Board initiated a voluntary consolidation between Cutler PUD and Orosi PUD to address Cutler’s water concerns. CPUD and OPUD submitted a draft consolidation agreement on November 7, 2023, in response to the voluntary consolidation notification, and the State Water Board issued a six-month extension to allow until June 30, 2024 for the negotiation of a final voluntary consolidation agreement. The domestic well areas within the 0.75-mile distance from the CPUD and OPUD service areas could potentially be included in a future consolidation project if found to be feasible.
Additional testing of domestic wells will be conducted as part of this project to better understand the groundwater quality in the community and to inform residents of steps they can take to reduce exposure. Additionally, an alternatives analysis is needed to understand the feasibility of long-term solution options, including consolidation with Orosi PUD, for residents served by private domestic wells in the vicinity of Orosi and Cutler. CWC is coordinating ongoing engagement with residents and stakeholders to find a long-term solution.
Project Area
All households in the area are currently served by private domestic wells.
Get Involved
Contact Daisy Gonzalez at (559) 747-8077 or Erica Diaz at (559) 747-6100 for more information and questions related to this project.
March 21, 2024
February 22, 2024
SJF safe water resources