Pajaro, Sunny Mesa, Springfield-area (PSMS) Drinking Water Project

Many households in the area north of Moss Landing receive water from private wells or local small water systems contaminated with nitrate and 1,2,3-trichloropropane (123-TCP) at levels much higher than public health standards. Hexavalent chromium and arsenic are also present in some wells in the project area. El Comité para Tener Agua Sana, Limpia, y Ecónomica (El Comité) was formed by concerned community members in February 2019 after learning about contamination in their wells. Since then CWC and El Comité have been working together to support community solutions.
As an interim solution, 49 out of 90 households in the project area are receiving free bottled water delivery every week through a state grant that El Comité members advocated for.
CWC worked with Corona Environmental Consulting to conduct a feasibility study and evaluate long-term options for providing safe and affordable drinking water to this area. It was concluded that the most favorable long-term solution is to consolidate the North of Moss Landing project area with the system created through the Springfield Project and to consolidate the entire area with the Pajaro and Sunny Mesa Water systems to provide needed additional water sources. The project will also encompass needed improvements to the Pajaro and Sunny Mesa water systems to provide the most reliable and robust system possible for all users of the resulting system. The Preliminary Engineering Report for the selected alternative was completed by MNS Engineers, Inc. in November 2023.
Project Area
If you live or own property within the project area and have not been in contact with CWC, please fill out this form so we may contact you.
Get Involved
Contact Mayra Hernandez by email at or by phone at (831) 500-2125 with questions related to this project. Sign up here to receive project updates.
Community Meeting #1 (February 19): Introduction to Project
Community Meetings #2 and #3 (June 3 and 15)
Community Meeting #4 (September): Review Draft Report
Community Meeting #5 (November 19): Review Final Report
Executive Summaries:
2021 Alternatives Analysis Executive Summary (English, 15 pages, 1.7 MB)
2021 Alternatives Analysis Executive Summary (Spanish, 15 pages, 1 MB)
Alternatives Analysis Full Report 2021 (English, 187 pages, 4.8 MB)
Preliminary Engineering Report 2024 (English, 843 pages, 92 MB) (MNS Engineers, Inc.)