CWC’s 2024 Legislative Agenda
CWC supports California state and federal legislation that plans, prepares, and protects water access for vulnerable communities. Alongside impacted communities, allies and decision makers in both state and federal spaces are working together to protect and advocate for safe and affordable drinking water for all. Click here to learn more on Legislative Policy Positions.
2024 Sponsored State Bills and Priorities:
AB 805 (Arambula) - SWB: Wastewater Administrator Authority. This bill would allow for the State Water Board to: (1) appoint an administrator for failing wastewater systems & (2) fund cleanup and abatement.
SB 1255 (Durazo) - LIRA: Voluntary Contribution Framework. This bill asks the State Water Board to assess the cost of water affordability for small public water systems.
AB 2454 (Lee) - Tenant Rights: Well Testing. This is a “spot bill” that will be amended to allow tenants the right to have their domestic wells tested for contamination.
AB 3090 (Maeinschien) - Wireless Emergency Notifications: Water Contamination. This bill would utilize Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) notifications to alert communities to drinking water contamination after a natural disaster.
AB 828 (Connolly) - This bill prioritizes water use for wetlands and disadvantaged communities by exempting them from fees under SGMA.
Climate Bond - CWC is working with more than 166+ organizations across CA to support a multi-billion dollar Climate Resilience bond for the November Election.
2024 Endorsed Federal Bills:
Water Access Act (HR. 5793, Tlaib/Dingell) (2023) - To appropriate $500 million to the low-income household water assistance program under section 2912 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and for other purposes.
Rural Development Modernization Act (H.R. 5359, Costa) (2023) - To harmonize the population threshold for rural communities under programs carried out by the Department of Agriculture, and for other purposes.
LIHWAP Establishment Act (S.3830, Padilla) (2024) - To authorize the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program, and for other purposes.
For more information, please contact:
Kyle Jones, Policy and Legal Director
Celina Mahabir, Federal Policy Advocate
Abraham Mendoza, Policy Manager
Kelsey Hinton, Communications Director