
Steps from the state capital, our Sacramento office houses our policy and communications team, which focuses on advancing policies for safe and affordable drinking water and raising awareness through the media. Many residents from the San Joaquin Valley and Central Coast regularly travel to Sacramento to share their stories of what it’s like to live without access to safe water, and to ask their state representatives for solutions.


Coalition Building

By building relationships and forming alliances with organizations, businesses and state leaders, CWC advances clean water solutions, from increased funding that priorities the hardest hit communities to policies that protect our drinking water sources from future pollution.



Raising awareness of the drinking water crisis with the public and decision-makers.



Driving and supporting policies for safe, clean, and affordable drinking water for all Californians. Priorities include ensuring low-income households can afford their water bills; funding to address contamination; and advocating for resources to plan for droughts. See CWC’s policy priorities here.