August eNews: Fight for Water Affordability Continues
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Dear Supporter,
We know legislation is key to achieving the human right to water. Each year, we work with community partners to shape and advocate for bills that will protect drinking water. Residents from the Central Coast and the Central Valley traveled to Sacramento multiple times this year to speak with legislators and their staff about how legislative bills can impact their communities.
Despite our efforts, Senate Bill 1255 (Durazo) was held in committee and will not pass this year. SB 1255 would have funded much needed water rate assistance for 5 million low-income Californians. We’ll keep fighting for affordable water until everyone has access to the support they need.
Community partners from the Central Valley and the Central Coast advocating for bills that will push water justice forward earlier this year in May.
While we regroup on affordability, the following pieces of legislation are heading towards the governor’s desk for a signature:
AB 805 will allow for the State Water Board to appoint an administrator for failing wastewater systems & fund cleanup and abatement. This will help communities like East Orosi achieve long overdue solutions.
AB 2454 will allow tenants the right to have their domestic wells tested for contamination, and access vital services like bottled and hauled water in areas where emergency programs exist. This makes access to clean water resources easier for people who rent.
We’ll be sure to update you on these legislative priorities and more will come on affordability because the fight for affordable water is a long one but we know we can be successful!
Susana De Anda
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Raising Water Affordability as a National Issue
Moderator Yasmin Zaerpoor, Director of Water Equity & Climate Resilience at PolicyLink with panelists Julian Gonzalez, Senior Legislative Counsel at EarthJustice, Susana De Anda, Executive Director of Community Water Center, and Monica Lewis Patrick, CEO of We The People of Detroit.
PolicyLink held their Equity Summit in Atlanta, Georgia creating a space for discussions on equity, the environment, and the economy among leaders ready to take action. Susana De Anda, Co-Founder and Executive Director of CWC was part of a panel conversation on “Water Affordability for All.” Other panelists included Monica Lewis-Patrick Co-founder and CEO of We the People of Detroit and Julian Gonzalez, Senior Legislative Counsel at EarthJustice who together brought diverse perspectives.
The goal of the panel was to uplift water affordability as a national issue, talking about the similar struggles diverse rural and urban communities face and what actions are being taken to face this growing problem. Whether it is a family in California’s Central Valley or a family in a Detroit neighborhood, we all deserve to live in a country where we can wake up and drink tap water without the fear of becoming sick or falling into debt. Presenting this issue at the Equity Summit was a key moment to invite equity minded leaders to join the water justice movement because we know that advocacy needs to happen at both a local and national level.
AGUA and CWC are headed to DC to keep water affordability in the national conversation so follow our journey on socials!
Are you registered to vote?
Elections are coming up on November 5th but it’s never too early to check your registration. California will start mailing out ballots on October 7, so it’s important to make sure you are registered and ready.
Voting is one of the tools communities can use to make their voices heard, so make sure you vote with water justice in mind. You’ll especially want to check what impact your vote can have on water at the local level though local water board and county candidates on your ballot . One item that will be on California ballots this year is Prop 4 where a yes vote will invest $10 billion in climate resilient projects, including protecting access to drinking water.
Ask your friends and family if they’ve checked their voter registration, and if they’re supporting Prop 4!
The Flow of Justice Film Premiere
We are excited to share “The Flow of Justice” film premiere! This documentary was created by students at Fresno State under the direction of Professor Samuel Contreras. It uplifts the stories of AGUA coalition members from communities like East Orosi and Alpaugh in Tulare County in the fight for water justice.
The film premiere will be on Thursday, September 26th at 6:00 p.m.. The screening will take place at the Industrial Technology Building room 101 in Fresno State. Entrance is free!
Watch the trailer here and we hope you’ll join us in reflecting and honoring the fight to achieve safe and affordable drinking water for all.
CWC is Hiring
Do you have a passion for environmental and social justice? Are you looking for an opportunity to work alongside those on the frontlines of the movement for safe and affordable drinking water in California?
Community Water Center is hiring:
Communications Intern - Visalia, or Sacramento Office
Help serve as a resource for information and a center of expertise on community water challenges through social media, the website, and media.
Receptionist and Administrative Assistant - Visalia Office
Responsible for enthusiastically greeting in-person guests to the Visalia office, routing phone calls, managing the daily administrative tasks, and providing clerical and program support across CWC three offices.
Water Policy Intern - Visalia, or Sacramento Office
Work on supporting CWC’s regulatory advocacy focused on directing drinking water investments to California Disadvantaged communities living with contaminated drinking water.
More information on CWC Careers here!
Community Resources
Guide to Community Drinking Water Advocacy
Visit the Guide to Community Drinking Water Advocacy to find information about your water supply and quality, potential threats to groundwater quality, and how to get involved in local groundwater management decisions among other great information. Visit the guide here!
Thank you to our Generous Donors!
A huge thank you to our sustaining monthly donors! Your ongoing commitment to water justice ensures everyone will have access to safe, clean and affordable drinking water.
Bessma Mourad, Bob Simone, Carly Yoshida, Claire Sarraille, Claire Wilkens, Elizabeth Callaway, F Thomas Biglione, Jonathan Nelson, Jose Pablo Ortiz Partida, Kat Gilje, Kelsey Hinton, Kirk Demartini, Kristin Dobbin, Lauren Gordon, Max Meyer, Natalie Garcia-Grazier, Temma Kaplan, Tori Klug
Be a water champion and support safe water for all.