July eNews: Water Justice Resources for you!

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Dear Supporter, 

In 2009, Community Water Center published the Guide to Community Drinking Water Advocacy, created with the help of countless members in the water justice movement. Today, we’re excited to share an updated digital version of this resource! The guide has been a unique example of drinking water activism and community empowerment since its creation.

Being informed is the first step in tackling drinking water issues so it’s important we stay up to date with changes like new laws and regulations. The guide is now available online and in print to make sure community partners and allies have access in a way that meets their needs. We have resources like:

This resource will also be available in Spanish — more to come this Fall! Making this information available and shareable plays a big role in growing the water justice movement and making sure we have the tools to advocate for our right to safe, clean and affordable drinking water. Che

ck out our guide online and be sure to share it!



Susana De Anda

Co-Founder and Executive Director

Celebrating 5 years of SAFER

SAFER Advisory Group member, Martha Curiel with State Water Board Chair, Laurel Firestone and CWC Director, Susana De Anda at the Five-year SAFER celebration in Porterville, CA.

It’s been five years since the Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) program launched with the goal to ensure all Californians can access safe and affordable drinking water. In 2019, after years of community activism, the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund was passed. For the first time, SAFER not only identifies communities needing urgent support through the annual Needs Assessment, but it also includes local residents' voices in the SAFER Advisory Group, making sure community expertise is guiding this critical program.

CWC is funded by SAFER to facilitate community buy-in and leadership through key short-term solutions like the Central Coast Regional Bottled Water Program and long-term solutions like the consolidation of West Goshen to California Water Service in Tulare County.

But the work isn’t finished yet. We need more state and federal investment to truly solve this crisis. We will continue to work closely with the State Water Board and our community leaders through SAFER until we achieve the Human Right to Water for all.

Vote YES on Prop 4 for California’s Future

This November, California voters will have the chance to fund $10 billion for climate resiliency statewide by voting YES on Proposition 4 (also known as the Climate Bond). 

Climate change is impacting our communities now. California experienced strong heat waves this month, with temperatures reaching up to 117 in the Central Valley. With temperatures this high, losing access to water can be an emergency. People must have access to key resources like clean and affordable water to stay hydrated and power swamp coolers that keep homes fresh. We know these extremes will only get worse, so we must be prepared for weather like this moving forward. 

Prop 4 is committed to advancing environmental justice with plans to invest at least 40% of its funding in disadvantaged communities. $610 million of this bond will go to funding safe drinking water projects, supporting crucial programs our communities rely on. California needs to be proactive and invest in climate resilience now before it becomes more expensive in the future. 

Can we count on you to show your support for Prop 4 on your socials?

CWC is Hiring

Do you have a passion for environmental and social justice? Are you looking for an opportunity to work alongside those on the frontlines of the movement for safe and affordable drinking water in California?

Community Water Center is hiring:

  • Communications Intern - Visalia, or Sacramento Office

    Help serve as a resource for information and a center of expertise on community water challenges through social media, the website, and media.

  • Contracts Manager — Visalia, Sacramento, or Watsonville Office
    Lead the administration and billing of our government funding agreements and subcontracts.

  • San Joaquin Valley Community Advocacy Manager — Visalia Office
    Leading San Joaquin Valley-based community advocacy campaigns, and working collaboratively with CWC’s community solutions and policy teams to advance safe drinking water projects and policies.

  • Receptionist and Administrative Assistant - Visalia Office

    Responsible for enthusiastically greeting in-person guests to the Visalia office, routing phone calls, managing the daily administrative tasks, and providing clerical and program support across CWC three offices.

More information on CWC Careers here!

Community Resources

The Drinking Water Tool 

Visit the Drinking Water Tool to see who makes decisions about your water supply and quality, potential threats to groundwater quality, and how to get involved in local groundwater management decisions among other great information. Use the tool here!

Thank you to our Generous Donors!

A huge thank you to our sustaining monthly donors! Your ongoing commitment to water justice ensures everyone will have access to safe, clean and affordable drinking water.

Bessma Mourad, Bob Simone, Carly Yoshida, Claire Sarraille, Claire Wilkens, Elizabeth Callaway, F Thomas Biglione, Jonathan Nelson, Jose Pablo Ortiz Partida, Kat Gilje, Kelsey Hinton, Kirk Demartini, Kristin Dobbin, Lauren Gordon, Max Meyer, Natalie Garcia-Grazier, Temma Kaplan, Tori Klug

Be a water champion and support safe water for all.


August eNews: Fight for Water Affordability Continues


June eNews: Moving California water legislation forward!